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Spatial distortion occurs when an organisms normal spatial perception is affected. This can be experimentally produced in various sensory modalities.

Experimental spatial distortion in vision[]

Spatial distortion can be produced by the use of lenses, prisms, mirrors etc

Use of visual illusions[]

Experimental spatial distortion in hearing[]

Spatial distortion can be produced by manipulating the input to the ears, for example by the left right inversion.

Experimental spatial distortion in the haptic sense[]

Effects of drug use[]

Spatial distortion can occur as a result of drug use.

Effects of mental disorders[]

Spatial distortion can occur in mental illness. In schizophrenia for example visual hallucinations can have an impact.

Effects of physical illness[]

Spatial distortions can be a symptom of a vestibular disorder.

See also[]

  • Prismatic distortion



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