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For the collection of information officially organized with the SNOMED system, see SNOMED CT.

The Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) is a multiaxial, hierarchical classification system. As in any such system, a disease may be located in a body organ which results in a code in a topography axis and may lead to morphological alterations represented by a morphology code.


There are 11 axes. The axes and some examples are provided below:

T (Topography) -- Anatomic terms[]

M (Morphology) -- Changes found in cells, tissues and organs[]

  • (M-40000) Inflammation
  • (M-44000) Granuloma
  • (M-54700) Infarcted
  • (M-54701) Microscopic infarct

For the Morphology axis, SNOMED has agreed to use the same codes defined by International Classification of Diseases for Oncology. Additional examples on topology are provided on that page.

L (Living organisms) -- Bacteria and viruses[]

  • (L-21801) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • (L-25116) Streptococcus pneumoniae

C (Chemical) -- Drugs[]

F (Function) -- Signs and symptoms[]

J (Occupation) -- Terms that describe the occupation[]

D (Diagnosis) -- Diagnostic terms[]

P (Procedure) -- Administrative, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures[]

A (Physical agents, forces, activities) -- Devices and activities associated with the disease[]

S (Social context) -- Social conditions and important relationships in medicine[]

G (General) -- Syntactic linkages and qualifiers[]

See also[]

External links[]

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