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Educational Psychology: Assessment · Issues · Theory & research · Techniques · Techniques X subject · Special Ed. · Pastoral
A teaching assistant (TA) (or paraprofessional educator, para-pros, instructional assistants or classroom assistants, is an individual who assists a teacher with instructional responsibilities. The role in higher education is somewhat different see: Teaching assistant in higher education
In UK[]
Use with different categories of children[]
Use in teaching in mental retardation[]
Use in the teaching of pupils with learning difficulties[]
See also[]
- Resource teacher
- Student teacher
- Teaching assistant in higher education
- Tutor
- Tutor expertise in adult education
Further reading[]
- Brookson, M. (2006). Working as a teaching assistant. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Mendenhall, M. E. (1996). The foreign teaching assistant as expatriate manager. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Nyquist, J. D., & Wulff, D. H. (1996). Working effectively with graduate assistants. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Scharff, L. F. V. (2006). Using Teaching Assistants Effectively. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
- Scott, J. (1996). Recruiting, selecting, and training teaching assistants. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
- Wortman, C. B., & Smyth, J. M. (1997). Using one's own passion and undergraduate TAs to transform the large-lecture introductory psychology course. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Aanes, D., & Haagenson, L. (1978). Normalization: Attention to a conceptual disaster: Mental Retardation Vol 16(1) Feb 1978, 55-56.
- Aird, R. (2000). The case for specialist training for learning support assistants employed in schools for children with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties: Support for Learning Vol 15(3) Aug 2000, 106-110.
- Allen, W. H. (1975). Intellectual abilities and instructional media design: AV Communication Review Vol 23(2) Sum 1975, 139-170.
- Baker, L. M. (2008). Finding the balance: Review of Teachers and assistants working together: International Journal of Disability, Development and Education Vol 55(1) Mar 2008, 83-87.
- Batarseh, G., & Cicenia, E. (1972). Teacher education at a residential facility for the retarded: Education & Training of the Mentally Retarded Vol 7(2) Apr 1972, 104-106.
- Bernal, C. h., & Aragon, L. (2004). Critical Factors Affecting the Success of Paraprofessionals in the First Two Years of Career Ladder Projects in Colorado: Remedial and Special Education Vol 25(4) Jul-Aug 2004, 205-213.
- Berrian, D. A. (1987). Special educator absenteeism as a function of selected characteristics: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Black, D. B., Bunyan, L. W., & Black, E. K. (1976). The effects of senior students as teacher aides with special reference to teaching behaviour: Alberta Journal of Educational Research Vol 22(2) Jun 1976, 140-148.
- Boeding, C. H., & Kitchener, K. S. (1976). Training students to lead discussion groups: Journal of College Student Personnel Vol 17(5) Sep 1976, 391-395.
- Bowers, T. (1997). Supporting special needs in the mainstream classroom: Children's perceptions of the adult role: Child: Care, Health and Development Vol 23(3) May 1997, 217-232.
- Branstetter, S. A., & Handelsman, M. M. (2000). Graduate teaching assistants: Ethical training, beliefs, and practices: Ethics & Behavior Vol 10(1) 2000, 27-50.
- Breyer, N. L., & Pollack, B. (1971). Behavioral consultation within the existing public school system: SALT: School Applications of Learning Theory Vol 4(1) Oct 1971, 2-13.
- Buskist, W. (2000). Common mistakes made by graduate teaching assistants and suggestions for correcting them: Teaching of Psychology Vol 27(4) Fal 2000, 280-282.
- Chavez, R., & Chesterfield, R. A. (1985). Teacher language use in a bilingual preschool setting: International Journal of the Sociology of Language No 53 1985, 83-97.
- Chopra, R. V., & French, N. K. (2004). Paraeducator Relationships with Parents of Students with Significant Disabilities: Remedial and Special Education Vol 25(4) Jul-Aug 2004, 240-251.
- Chopra, R. V., Sandoval-Lucero, E., Aragon, L., Bernal, C., De Balderas, H. B., & Carroll, D. (2004). The Paraprofessional Role of Connector: Remedial and Special Education Vol 25(4) Jul-Aug 2004, 219-231.
- Clayton, T. (1993). Welfare assistants in the classroom: Problems and solutions: AEP (Association of Educational Psychologists) Journal Vol 8(4) Jan 1993, 191-197.
- Cohen, P. A., Kulik, J. A., & Kulik, C.-l. C. (1982). Education outcomes of tutoring: A meta-analysis of findings: American Educational Research Journal Vol 19(2) Sum 1982, 237-248.
- Cowen, E. L., Dorr, D. A., & Pokracki, F. (1972). Selection of nonprofessional child aides for a school mental health project: Community Mental Health Journal Vol 8(3) Aug 1972, 220-226.
- Cremin, H., Thomas, G., & Vincett, K. (2003). Learning zones: An evaluation of three models for improving learning through teacher/teaching assistant teamwork: Support for Learning Vol 18(4) Nov 2003, 154-161.
- Daly, B. (2006). Review of Teachers and assistants: Working together: Educational Psychology in Practice Vol 22(2) Jun 2006, 175-176.
- Darr, R. F., & Arms, W. E. (1972). The California Test of Personality as a measure of change in the personality structure of teacher-aides in a 2-week workshop: Journal of Experimental Education Vol 41(1) Fal 1972, 9-11.
- Dew-Hughes, D., Brayton, H., & Blandford, S. (1998). A survey of training and professional development for learning support assistants: Support for Learning Vol 13(4) Nov 1998, 179-183.
- Durlak, J. A. (1973). Ninth graders as student aides: Making use of the helper therapy principle: Psychology in the Schools Vol 10(3) 1973, 334-339.
- Ediger, M. (2003). Paraprofessionals in reading: Journal of Instructional Psychology Vol 30(1) Mar 2003, 93-96.
- Escudero, G. R., & Sears, J. (1982). Teachers' and aides' perceptions of their responsibilities when teaching severely and profoundly handicapped students: Education & Training of the Mentally Retarded Vol 17(3) Oct 1982, 190-195.
- Evans, J. (1975). A Comparative Study of Four Aids to Instruction in Teaching Music with Children of 8-9 Years of Age: Psychology of Music Vol 3(1) Apr 1975, 36-39.
- Eyres, I., Cable, C., Hancock, R., & Turner, J. (2004). 'Whoops, I forgot David': Children's perceptions of the adults who work in their classrooms: Early Years An International Journal of Research and Development Vol 24(2) Sep 2004, 149-162.
- Fabrega, C. C. (1978). Procedure in establishing a learning center for the severely handicapped: Education Vol 99(1) Fal 1978, 31-35.
- Farrell, P., Balshaw, M., & Polat, F. (2000). The work of learning support assistants in mainstream schools: Implications for educational psychologists: Educational and Child Psychology Vol 17(2) 2000, 66-76.
- Farrell, P., & Sugden, M. (1984). An evaluation of an EDY course in behavioural techniques for classroom assistants in a school for children with severe learning difficulties: Educational Psychology Vol 4(3) 1984, 185-198.
- Fox, G. (2003). Review of Supporting children with behaviour difficulties--A guide for assistants in schools: British Journal of Educational Psychology Vol 73(1) Mar 2003, 138-139.
- Frelow, R. D., Charry, J., & Freilich, B. (1974). Academic progress and behavioral changes in low achieving pupils: Journal of Educational Research Vol 67(6) Feb 1974, 263-266.
- French, N. K. (2004). Introduction to the Special Series: Remedial and Special Education Vol 25(4) Jul-Aug 2004, 203-204.
- Frith, G. H. (1981). Paraprofessionals: A focus on interpersonal skills: Education & Training of the Mentally Retarded Vol 16(4) Dec 1981, 306-309.
- Frith, G. H., & Kelly, P. (1981). The parent/paraprofessional relationship in programs for severely and profoundly retarded children: Education & Training of the Mentally Retarded Vol 16(3) Oct 1981, 231-234.
- Fullerton, S. (1973). Self-concept changes of junior high students: Journal of Counseling Psychology Vol 20(5) Sep 1973, 493-494.
- Gerber, S. B., Finn, J. D., Achilles, C. M., & Boyd-Zaharias, J. (2001). Teacher aides and students' academic achievement: Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Vol 23(2) Sum 2001, 123-143.
- Gipps, C. (1982). Nursery nurses and nursery teachers: I. Their assessment of children's verbal-social behaviour: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Vol 23(3) Jul 1982, 237-254.
- Gipps, C. (1982). Nursery nurses and nursery teachers: II. Their attitudes towards pre-school children and their parents: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Vol 23(3) Jul 1982, 255-265.
- Godwin, D. C. (1977). The bilingual teacher aide: Classroom asset: The Elementary School Journal Vol 77(4) Mar 1977, 265-267.
- Goodman, G. (1990). Utilising the paraprofessional in the mainstream: Support for Learning Vol 5(4) Nov 1990, 199-204.
- Granum, R. A. (1975). Teacher study groups: Do they make a difference? : Elementary School Guidance & Counseling Vol 9(3) Mar 1975, 210-217.
- Groom, B. (2006). Building relationships for learning: The developing role of the teaching assistant: Support for Learning Vol 21(4) Nov 2006, 199-203.
- Groom, B., & Rose, R. (2005). Supporting the inclusion of pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in the primary school: The role of teaching assistants: Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs Vol 5(1) Mar 2005, 20-30.
- Hansen, L. S. (1993). The Teachers' Aid Shop: Psykologisk Paedagogisk Radgivning Vol 30(3) Jun 1993, 223-231.
- Haring, K. A., Saren, D., Lovett, D. L., & Shelton, M. N. (1992). A study of the demographic and attitudinal differences between paraprofessionals and teachers in self-contained special education classrooms: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities Vol 4(1) Mar 1992, 51-73.
- Hughes, M., & Westgate, D. (1997). Assistants as talk-partners in early-years classrooms: Some issues of support and development: Educational Review Vol 49(1) Feb 1997, 5-12.
- Inglis, M. (1993). The communicator style measure applied to nonnative speaking teaching assistants: International Journal of Intercultural Relations Vol 17(1) Win 1993, 89-105.
- Jackson, W. K., & Simpson, R. D. (1983). A survey of graduate teaching assistant instructional improvement programs: College Student Journal Vol 17(3) Fal 1983, 220-224.
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- Jensen, J. M., Parsons, M. B., & Reid, D. H. (1998). Supervisory training for teachers: Multiple, long-term effects in an education program for adults with severe disabilities: Research in Developmental Disabilities Vol 19(6) Nov-Dec 1998, 449-463.
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- Jones, L. W. (1972). Determining the role of teacher aides through identification of tasks within the psycho-motor, affective, and cognitive skills domains: Dissertation Abstracts International Vol.
- Kerry, T. (2005). Towards a typology for conceptualizing the roles of teaching assistants: Educational Review Vol 57(3) Aug 2005, 373-384.
- Knoff, H. M. (1984). Stimulus control, paraprofessionals, and appropriate playground behavior: School Psychology Review Vol 13(2) Win 1984, 249-253.
- Lewis, K. C. (2004). Instructional aides: Colleagues or cultural brokers? : The School Community Journal Vol 14(1) Spr-Sum 2004, 91-111.
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- Prieto, L. R., & Meyers, S. A. (1999). Effects of training and supervision on the self-efficacy of psychology graduate teaching assistants: Teaching of Psychology Vol 26(4) Fal 1999, 264-266.
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- Kelly, D. (1975). A study of the effects of high school students acting as instructional aides in elementary classrooms on the development of positive self-concepts in children with whom they work: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Kuhirun, K. (1986). Job satisfaction of teaching assistants in the departments of mathematics in selected universities as related to their students' achievement: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Lawrence, C. A. (1974). An analysis of selected presage characteristics of teacher aides: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Miller, N. I. (1984). Paraprofessionals' job satisfaction and their teachers' leadership style: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- O'Connell, C. P. (1977). Leader behaviors, leader styles, and management effectiveness of elementary teachers as related to paid teacher aides and volunteer teacher aides: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Ortiz, M. N. (1978). Bilingual-bicultural instructional aide roles as perceived by teachers, administrators, and instructional aides: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Palmer, M. F. (1987). Student teachers as aides for middle school mathematics classes: An exploration: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Pekofsky, M. (1989). A comparison of perceived teaching styles in international teaching assistants receiving cross-cultural perceptiveness training: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Peters, R. M. (1973). A study of teacher aide impact and the economics of aide usage: Dissertation Abstracts International.
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- Ritzman, E. R. (1973). Identity formation and effects of volunteer work experiences in community college students: An exploratory study with implications for counseling and education: Dissertation Abstracts International Vol.
- Roberts, C. A. (1974). An analysis of role definition consensus between teacher-coordinators and teacher aides in a career opportunities program: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Robertson, M. K. (1980). An assessment of the effects of a college aide program on selected motor skills of second and fifth graders: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Ryan, E. F. (1976). A comparison of the perceptions of the role of teacher aides in special education classes for trainable and severely/profoundly mentally retarded children: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Sears, M. H. (1982). Intellectual and creative talents in young children as perceived by teachers, teacher aides and parents: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Shannon, G. C. (1978). An analysis of the administration of the Education Aide Program in the Los Angeles Unified School District: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Schneiman, R. S. (1973). An evaluation of structured learning and didactic learning as methods of training behavior modification skills to low and middle socioeconomic level teacher-aides: Dissertation Abstracts International.
- Sutton, G. W. (1982). The effects of behavioral and process models of consultation on the performance of professional and paraprofessional consultees: Dissertation Abstracts International.
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- Taylor-Way, D. G. (1981). Adaptation of interpersonal process recall and a theory of educating for the conceptualization of college instruction: Dissertation Abstracts International.
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- Truxaw, K. O. (1974). Recidivism differences among delinquent teacher aides: Dissertation Abstracts International.
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External links[]
- TA forum
- Teaching Assistant Resources
- International Teaching Assistant Handbook
- TA Program at Syracuse University
- Reading list on 'Training and Working With TAs'
- The Art of TAing
- TA forum
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