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Teleconference is the live exchange and mass articulation of information among persons and machines remote from one another but linked by a telecommunications system, usually over the phone line.

The telecommunications system may support the teleconference by providing one or more of the following audio, video, and/or data services by one or more means, such as telephone, telegraph, teletype, radio, and television. [1][2]

Teleconferences are also referred to as teleseminars.

Internet Tele-conference[]

Internet telephony involves conducting a teleconference over the Internet or a Wide Area Network. One key technology in this area is Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). Popular software for personal use includes Skype, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger. A List of commercial voice over IP network providers is available.

See also[]


  1. Federal Standard 1037C
  2. MIL-STD-188
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  • Carati, C., Shimizu, S., Okamura, K., Lomanto, D., Tanaka, M., & Toouli, J. (2006). High definition digital video links for surgical training: Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare Vol 12(Suppl 3) 2006, 26-28.
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  • Cerda, G. M., Hilty, D. M., Hales, R. E., & Nesbitt, T. S. (1999). Use of telemedicine with ethnic groups: Psychiatric Services Vol 50(10) Oct 1999, 1364.
  • Chapman, D. S., & Rowe, P. M. (2001). The impact of videoconference technology, interview structure, and interviewer gender on interviewer evaluations in the employment interview: A field experiment: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Vol 74(3) Sep 2001, 279-298.
  • Chapman, D. S., Uggerslev, K. L., & Webster, J. (2003). Applicant reactions to face-to-face and technology-mediated interviews: A field investigation: Journal of Applied Psychology Vol 88(5) Oct 2003, 944-953.
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  • De Las Cuevas, C., Arredondo, M. T., Cabrera, M. F., Sulzenbacher, H., & Meise, U. (2006). Randomized Clinical Trial of Telepsychiatry through Videoconference versus Face-to-Face Conventional Psychiatric Treatment: Telemedicine and e-Health Vol 12(3) Jun 2006, 341-350.
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