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File:Assorted video tapes.JPG

An assortment of video tapes

Videotape is a means of recording images and sound onto magnetic tape as opposed to movie film.

In most cases, a helical scan video head rotates against the moving tape to record the data in two dimensions, because video signals have a very high bandwidth, and static heads would require extremely high tape speeds. Video tape is used in both video tape recorders (VTRs or, more common, video cassette recorders (VCRs) and video cameras. Tape is a linear method of storing information, and since nearly all video recordings made nowadays are digital, it is expected to gradually lose importance as non-linear/random access methods of storing digital video data are becoming more common.

Noneducational uses[]

Use in clinical assessment[]

Some assessment procedures require the videotaping of for example parent child interaction and then this is scored. An example in this case is Parent-Child Interaction Assessment-II (PCIA-II)

Use in research[]

Educational uses[]

Use in clinical training[]

See also[]


Further reading[]

  • VandenBos, Gary R. (ed) (2000). Videos in psychology: a resource directory. ISBN 1557987092

See also[]

External links[]

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