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Viral disorders are a sub set of infectious disorders caused by viruses.

Psychologists are interested in this group of diseases for several reasons:

  • They may be prevented by appropriate behavior and psychologists have something to say about how to present warnings and educate people about their choices and to help them adopt safety precautions. This is of course most notably an issue with sexually transmitted diseases but applies in other areas as well.
  • The symptoms of these diseases can mimic psychological disorders such as depression. People may be referred for treatment of depression when in fact they have undiagnosed viral infection with subsequent fatigue.
  • The disease may have complications that psychologists may be asked to assess. For example, measles may lead to intellectual disability, which may require psychometric assessment.
  • The diseases may lead to conditions that psychologists treat. So for example, rubella may lead to infertility which may require counseling.
  • The disorder may have a chronic course and psychologists may be involved in helping people to adjust to having the condition or to manage its effects. For example, helping people with herpes genitalis to adjust their sexual behavior and take appropriate precautions to prevent spreading the condition.

Common viruses[]

Amongst the conditions caused by viruses those in interest to psychologists include:

See also[]
