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Visual masking is a reduction in the detectability of a brief (less than 100ms) visual stimulus (the test stimulus) by the presentation of a second stimulus (the masking stimulus).The term was introduced in 1925 by the French psychologist Henri Pieron.
There are three types of masking depending on the order and time of presentation of the masking stimulus:
- Forward masking. Here the masking stimulus is presented before the test stimulus.Where the two stimuli do not overlap spatially this is known as paracontrast
- Simultaneous masking occurs when both stimuli are presented at the same time
- Backward masking. Here the masking stimulus is presented after the test stimulus.Where the two stimuli do not overlap spatially this is known as metacontrast
See also[]
- Auditory masking
- Brightness masking
- Central masking
- Dichoptic masking
- Inspection time
- Flash suppression
- Masking
- Visual stimulation
References & Bibliography[]
Key texts[]
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