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The Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) is a neuropsychological test to assess verbal and nonverbal memory abilities in adults.
There have been a number of versions of the Wechsler Memory Scale.
- Wechsler Memory Scale
- Wechsler Memory Scale - Revised
- Wechsler Memory Scale - 3rd Ed.
The comments here apply to the latest 3rd version.
Developed by David Wechsler the test assesses learning, memory, and working memory and is published by Harcourt Assessment
Description: The test provides subtest and composite scores that assess memory and attention functions using both auditory and visual stimuli. There are now eight Primary Indexes:
- Auditory Immediate
- Visual Immediate
- Immediate Memory
- Auditory Delayed
- Visual Delayed
- Auditory Reception Delayed
- General Memory
- Working Memory
When would I use this test?
What does the test measure?
The WMS-III provides a comprehensive assessment of memory.
Which population is it intended for? The general adult population of 16-89 year old
Describe norms available: The norms were derived from a stratified sample of 1250 individuals aged 16-89 years drawn from the general population.
Type of test, (e.g., self report, computerised, etc):
Time taken to complete the test:
The whole set of tests takes about an hour to administer.
Scoring procedures, (e.g., hand scored, software, etc):
Report formats available?
The test has strong validity. Internal consistency reliability coefficients ranged from .70s to the .90s
Reference for the original studies of this instrument:
References of studies that have used this instrument:
[[Category:Neuropsychological assessment